Experienced Software Engineer specialized in Backend or Webserver Services and Software Engineering, focused in Backend and DevOps for now.
Making API Backend Engine For Microfinance Squad at amartha.com using Go programming language
Making API Backend Engine For Financing Squad at moladin.com using Javascript and using Express Js Http Framework (Javascript) expressjs.com
Making API Backend Engine at astronauts.id using Java and using Spring Boot Framework (Java) spring.io/projects/spring-boot
Making API Engine For Syncronize Data using golang, using Kafka as Stream Service kafka.apache.org
Making API Backend Engine using golang, using microservices with gRPC grpc.io as transport layer.
Making Backend Engine Support using golang at perlupos.com, and make client library using PHP
Making API Engine For Business Decision on golang, using framework : gin gonic gin-gonic.com, echo echo.labstack.com, beego beego.me, and iris iris-go.com
As both web developer and API developer using Play Framework (Java) playframework.com, Spring Boot (Java) spring.io/projects/spring-boot and Laravel Framework (PHP) laravel.com
As a web developer using framework laravel. developing an app to help some community to get the data vote from the others
Maintenance the website cepood.com and make the new feature for better User Experience
Maintenance the automation on printer and other device.
Apart from being a web developer, I enjoy most of my time being gamers. I Played Strategy games and played some Instrument Music
I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technolgy advancements in the Web Development World or IOT World.